Sunday, February 22, 2009

my journey

Sometimes, life doesn't go the way you actually want them to.
It's not like you're not doing your best to get it going the right path.
And there have to be something, someone that just loves getting into your way, blocking.
The worst part is that they always seem to be enjoying what they did.
This is the time when I fully understand what it means by the phrase 'musuh dalam selimut'.

But with the whole lot of bacteria and diseases, autopsies, and the full chain of molecules to accompany me, I have to struggle my way through this nonsense.
Guess I have to just continue walking in this journey till the finishing line.
And the most vital weapon that I possess with me is the love from family and friends.
That's what bringing me further.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

everything, moving on

Well, well, well..

It's been a week since I left home after a mere 2 weeks break.

During that 2 weeks, every dinner was a family reunion. Quoting my sisters and cousins, this CNY brought the most reunion dinners ever!

And then, it's back to business once again here in Moscow.

It was snowing heavily yesterday and this morning, and the white shower just stopped a few hours ago.
Despite the heavy snowfall, classes still resume as usual. Everything here went on as usual.

Buses are moving.
Metros are zooming.
People are walking.
Classes are going.
Tests are killing.

There is no break unless the temperature hits below -35C.

Guess that's all for a quickie.
Gotta hit the books.